1502 Cigars
1502 Cigars
1502 Black Gold Cigars - If you like strong cigars, you’ll definitely love this one. This particular cigar is made to satisfy the discerning smoker who enjoys bold and strong flavors. It has a double binder and long filler from Nicaragua. With its natural Maduro sun-grown tobacco wrapper, nurtured with all the natural elements where it gets its flavor, especially its strength and character.
Start off with Forest soil and nuts, and with wood aroma. Light pinch of pepper or chili over a delicate chocolate sweetness. Delicate fruit notes. Very multi-layered & complex.
1502 Emerald Cigars - In its creation, “Fina Fuerte” (Fine Strong) was the main quality that most inspired us. Our master blender had created this cigar from a combination of carefully selected and aged tobacco leaves. It has a subtle strength, with flavor and aroma that could only be achieved with the blend of Corojo Habano de Nicaragua, long fillers from San Andres – Mexico and fields from Estelí and Condega in Nicaragua.
Honey sweetness and vanilla aroma. Delicate apple fruitiness. Citrus notes. Cedar. Roast aromas define the velvety smooth smoke of the oily leathery wrapper. Floral aromas and some nut.
Honey sweetness and vanilla aroma. Delicate apple fruitiness. Citrus notes. Cedar. Roast aromas define the velvety smooth smoke of the oily leathery wrapper. Floral aromas and some nut.
1502 Nicaragua Cigars - Contains tobaccos from the four main growing regions of Nicaragua: Esteli, Jalapa, Condega, and Ometepe. This cigar fits right in between the 1502 Emerald and 1502 Ruby - as a "medium plus" cigar. The 1502 Nicaragua is the latest creation from 1502 cigars.
Honey sweetness and vanilla aroma. Delicate apple fruitiness. Citrus notes. Cedar. Roast aromas define the velvety smooth smoke of the oily leathery wrapper. Floral aromas and some nut.
1502 Ruby Cigars - It is the blend created for the discerning smoker’s delight, one that recognizes a great cigar. Its aesthetic presentation reveals the art of the handcraftsmanship that each of our cigar makers have achieved after many years of experience. It yields all the flavor and aroma from de valley of Jalapa and Estelí in Nicaragua, wrapped with a beautiful dark wrapper from Ecuador.
Earth, cedar, some nuttiness (brazil, macadamia, sunflower seed)
Available sizes:
Box Pressed Churchill 7 x 48, Box Pressed Lancero 7 x 40,
Box Pressed Robusto 5 x 50, Box Pressed Toro 6 x 50,
Box Pressed Torpedo 6 1/2 x 52