Cohiba Connecticut
Cohiba Connecticut Cigars
COHIBA CONNECTICUT CIGARS - The first impression of Cohiba Connecticut is the exceptional golden and buttery Ecuadorian Connecticut shade grown wrapper.
Upon lighting, you will be struck by the perfect blend of body and flavor. Your senses will be stimulated by the balance of both cream and a slight hint of spice. Rare Brazilian Matafina and Nicaraguan Jalapa Ligero add notes of rich soil and toasted wood. The unique blend is bound perfectly with a smooth Mexican San Andres binder that delivers enticing notes of pepper and spice that transcend perfection.
Cohiba once again has raised the bar for luxury!
Available at Slippery Rock Cigars
20 count box
Tubo 10 count box
Approx. available sizes:
Gigante 6 x 60, Robusto 5 1/2 x 50,
Robusto Tubo 5 x 50, Toro 6 1/2 x 52