Don Diego Cigars
Don Diego Cigars
DON DIEGO CIGARS - Don Diego Cigars have generations of history with cigar smokers the world over.
Originating from the Canary Islands, and the first cigar made there after the Cuban Embargo began, this wonderful milder cigar is now masterfully crafted in the Dominican Republic under the watchful eye of José Seijas. With a smooth Connecticut Shade wrapper, and specially aged, hand-selected tobaccos, this is one cigar not to be missed.
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25 count boxes
Babies 60 count box
Corona Major Tube 20 count box
Preludes 30 count box
Available Sizes:
Babies: 5 1/4 x 33, Churchill: 7 x 54, Corona: 5 1/2 x 44,
Corona Major Tube: 5 1/2 x 44, Grande 6 x 52,
Lonsdale: 6 5/8 x 44, Preludes: 4 x 33, Robusto: 5 x 52