Montecristo Espada
Espada by Montecristo Cigars
Espada by Montecristo Cigars - Combining centuries of knowledge with a lifetime of passion, the two greatest names in the premium tobacco industry join for an unrivaled, hand rolled cigar.
Constructed with 100% vintage Nicaraguan tobaccos specially aged by the Plasencia family and expertly blended by the world famous Grupo de Maestros, Espada by Montecristo offers a bold, spicy and deeply satisfying smoke. Espada, which means "sword" in Spanish, is the first Montecristo with all of its tobacco coming from Nicaragua - a country celebrated for its robust and mellow tobaccos.
Montecristo Espada Oscuro Cigars - Building on the success of Cigar Aficionado Top 25 Montercristo Espada, the Espada Oscuro adds a Habano Rosado wrapper to this deeply satisfying Nicaraguan puro.
Espada by Montecristo – A cigar of pure taste and true elegance.
10 count boxes
Available sizes:
Guard: 6 x 50, Magnum Especial 6 x 60,
Quillon: 7 x 56, Ricasso: 5 x 54