Hoyo Rojo and Oscuro
Hoyo Rojo and Oscuro Cigars
HOYO ROJO & OSCURO CIGARS - Embracing the essence of Hoyo de Monterrey, paying homage to Honduras, and offer something sensational to cigar lovers of every level from sea to shining sea. Hoyo de Monterrey is proud to present Rojo and Oscuro, a refined cigar experience from the legendary HATSA factory in Danli, Honduras.
HOYO ROJO CIGARS - A sophisticated blend highlighted by a flavorful Honduran wrapper from the fertile soils of the Jamastran valley. Binder and filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaraguan, and Dominican Republic ups the body, adds the right amount of spice, and rounds out this blend perfectly making it an experience to be enjoyed by all levels of cigar.
The cigar sits in the medium body range with reminiscent tasting notes of Saigon cinnamon, toasted marshmallow, chewing tobacco, and seared meat.
HOYO OSCURO CIGARS - This heady blend is anchored by the Brazilian Mata Fina oscuro wrapper, a first for Hoyo de Monterrey. The subtle sweetness from the Brazilian oscuro wrapper is complimented by spicy Dominican, Honduran and Nicaraguan Seco and ligeros bound with the omni present sharpness of Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf.
This blend is crafted to be more medium + than the Rojo but equally as balanced and enjoyable. Reminiscent tasting notes associated with Oscuro are cherry cola, cayenne pepper, white pepper, molasses, and rye bread.
10ct box
Available Sizes:
Gigante: 6 x 60 Rothchilds: 4 1/2 x 50 Toro : 6 x 52
Gigante: 6 x 60 Rothchilds: 4 1/2 x 50 Toro : 6 x 52
The lowest prices are at Slippery Rock Cigars, Your Neighborhood Cigar Shop on the Net