Punch Signature
Punch Signature Cigars
PUNCH SIGNATURE CIGARS - Punch Signature is a notable addition to the Punch brand. The cigar features a specially cultivated Ecuadoran Corojo wrapper, grown explicitly for this cigar. The wrapper harkens back to Punch’s historical use of both Ecuadoran and Corojo tobaccos but evolves the brand by giving consumers a fuller bodied, more flavorful, more complex smoke.
Punch Signature is the perfect mix of tradition and modern taste, and truly showcases the evolution of this legend.
Available at Slippery Rock Cigars
Available sizes:
Gigante 6 x 60, Pita 6 x 50, Robusto 5 x 54,
Rothschild 4 1/2 x 52, Torpedo 5 3/4 x 52